Jumat, 24 September 2010

mainstream continental lager

Review: Sam Smith's Organic Ale & Lager

As I'm trying to wean myself off my addiction to New World wines (goodbye Stellenbosch, farewell Napa Valley) I thought I'd try these two beers brewed not too far away in Tadcaster, Yorkshire. The lager is quite ale-y, with plenty of body compared to a mainstream continental lager, but still with enough crispness to enjoy in this Indian Summer. The ale is less distinctive, but smooth and enjoyable. I would recommend both and it is great that they are

If anyone wants to send me any other beverages to review, I will be more than willing to give them a shot. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.

Kamis, 02 September 2010

separuh j iwa

Intro D A/C# Bm A G D/F# Em A
D         A/C#  Bm A
Separuh Jiwaku Pergi
Memang indah semua
Tapi berakhir luka
F#m  Bm        Em
bermain hati dengan sadarmu
kau tinggal aku
*courtesy of
G        A
Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Em      A
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku
G        A
Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Em      A
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku
Intro Bm A
D            A/C#      Bm  A
Kau bilang tak pernah bahagia
Selama dengan aku
Itu ucap bibirmu
F#m       Bm
Kau dustakan semua
Yang kita bina
Kau hancurkan semua
G        A
Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Em      A
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku
G        A
Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Em      A
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku
Interlude C#m B A G#m F#m E F#m D G#
C#m B A G#m F#m B
A         B
Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
A       B
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku
A        B
Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Kau khianati
Kau curangi aku
F#m    B
Kau dustai hati
benar kumencintaimu
Outro E B C#m B A


*copy-paste kode di atas pada Blog, Facebook, & Friendster Anda

Koleksi lirik album lagu Anang yang lainnya.


There are 87 comments for this post.
  1. pepey on October 2, 2009 12:35 pm
    Lagu ini dalem bagt
  2. indiora on October 4, 2009 11:07 am
    gue banget :”
  3. shirley r on October 4, 2009 11:17 am
    buat akang ilham..yang aku cintai
  4. mEy LuPhyLuPh zZr on October 6, 2009 2:19 am
    wEh,,sEdih bgt . kiSah ttg seLiNgkuh . smga mz’q gag kn prNh seLiNgkuh !
  5. ranii on October 10, 2009 11:54 am
    ntuchh isii dr prasaan kkuch
  6. Tian on October 12, 2009 1:57 am
    uuuuuuhhhh…… nyentuh banget sih, maaf kan q dinda!!!!!
  7. Elyana Pires on October 14, 2009 2:50 am
    gue tersentuh ama lagunya, dalam banget artinya, maju terus ka.
    aku fans beratnya kk dari Timo Leste.
  8. Esy on October 15, 2009 7:18 am
    lagunya menyentuh banget,tapi percayalah Allah tidak pernah tidur,,,
  9. Mira Moodth on October 16, 2009 8:38 am
    I Like this s0ng..
  10. Arul on October 16, 2009 2:41 pm
    Puluhan tahun membina kasih, Hari demi hari merajut cinta…. Akhirnya kandas oleh ketidaksetiaan….
    Apakah kasih dan cinta yang terjalin sekian lama cukup sepadan dikorbankan hanya demi gemerlap dunia serta kesenangan sesaat belaka…???
    Separuh jiwa yang telah pergi…. Kan meninggalkan separuh jiwa lainnya dengan penuh duka dan lara…..
    Berapa banyak yang telah berkorban demi cinta…. dan Berapa banyak kah yang telah menjadi korban cinta….
    We never know…. Love is blind….and that’s true….
    Rahasia cinta takkan pernah terungkap…
    Kecuali oleh mereka yang telah merasakan arti cinta sejati…
    Suka…Duka… Susah… Senang… Tampan … Cantik… Tua… Muda…. Semua hanyalah pelengkap dari cinta….
    Namun Cinta yang sejati adalah kita mencintai SEPARUH JIWA pasangan kita dengan SEPARUH JIWA kita sehingga menjadi SATU JIWA yang penuh dengan cinta yang Tulus, Suci dan Abadi……….
    By Arul ( Please comment with email…..
  11. Arul on October 16, 2009 2:44 pm
    Cinta… Cinta….we never know “secret of love” cause love is blind…. SEMANGAT ANANG…..!!!
  12. joana on October 17, 2009 11:31 am
    dikhianati.!!!!…..bnr2 menyakitkan…..semoga si pengkhianat itu menyadari bahwa tindakan itu dpt membuat dia kehilangan org2 yg bnr2 tulus mencintainya….
  13. nena on October 17, 2009 2:17 pm
    om anang..,,kalo om bingung nyari calon ibu bat anak-anak…,,nena siap kok.e’a,nena juga mirip tante KD loh!!!tapi tenang aja,nena mah gak bakalan selingkuh kok!!!pokoke arep setia seurip semati karo sampeyan!!nena tresno pisan kalih om anang!!dijamin gak bakal mengecawakan!!
  14. rizka nadya putri on October 18, 2009 5:45 am
    halo kak anang apa kabar ????????
    lg ngapain sekarang ??????????
    salam ya buat anak kakak ya maksudnya salam buat anak kakak ok
    aku suka loh lagunya
    kakak aku boleh tanya sesuatu gk ????????
    alamat kakak itu dimana sih ingin tau aja ?????????
    kasitahuin ya kakak anang
    kemarin kakak pergi ke bali ya sama anak kakak ??????
    seru dong ya ?????????????
  15. erick on October 18, 2009 12:14 pm
    Salut buat Mas Anang ttp kuat & kreatif …… ttp berkarya mas saya tunggu lagu berikutnya
  16. broto kusmadji on October 19, 2009 9:56 am
    mas ikut prihatin nih, smg ada solusi yg tercepat & terbaik tentunya, eeh mas aq sdh kehilangan kontak selama 26th sm tmn aq yg namanya Wiki mantanya Malida, yg bikin undangan pernikahan sampeyan tea, sudilah kiranya klo ada adress atau no yg bisa aq hub.ngi, soalnya qt mu ngadain reuni sma nih, thx n cu
  17. dina on October 19, 2009 12:41 pm
    cuma satu kata buat mas anang…
    ” S.A.B.A.R…”
  18. daham on October 20, 2009 7:00 am
    gila gue terharu bgt ma lagux………anank
    sukses selalu…buat anank dech……..guoood luck nank…………………………………
  19. Rendy on October 20, 2009 10:03 am
    TO……. Mass anang tetap semangat yaa dalam menjalani hidup ini…..???ok
  20. Rajawali Band on October 22, 2009 5:56 am
    Lagu Dengan syair yang sangat Puitis, Gw salut Ma Ketegaran yang Mas Anang miliki.
    Salam Buat Anak Anak Mas Anang yang telah memilih keputusan yg benar, yaitu mengikuti seorang bapak yang tegar dan tegas,
    Lanjutkan Kreatifitasmu, aku adalah salah seorang dari jutaan penggemarmu.
    kutunggu album berikutnya
  21. AriezH@ on October 25, 2009 6:44 am
    Buat Mr Anang.. ALLAH SWT ga pernah tidur.. THat’s absolutely tRUe… Wait And See ajah!!
    HarUz tetep semaNgat buat anAk2.. SemanGatttttt
  22. jems on October 25, 2009 12:21 pm
    dalem bgt mas bro
  23. rizka on October 26, 2009 12:42 am
    aduh aduh……………………….
    gila bngt lagunya………
    good luck mazzzzz……
  24. Arie on October 29, 2009 4:02 am
    sepertinya ini lagu sdh bebrapa tahun yang lalu di siapkan….
    diambil dari lubuk hatinya yang sangat sangat super super zuper duuuaaaaalllleeemmmm banggggetttttttttt……
    tapi ….
    Keputusan yg SANGAT TEPAT….
    hanya seekor binatang yang serakah dan maruk yang akan jatuh pada lubang yang sama…
    sama hal dgn KD… hanya orang yang BEGO, yang akan mengulangi lagi kesalahannya…….
  25. Rendy on October 30, 2009 3:34 am
    Sabar ya bwt mas anang
    ttp maju terus dan smoga tambah sukses
    mendapatkan yg terbaik unk keluarga
    Cayoo mas anang… ^_^
  26. dwi on November 1, 2009 3:31 am
    Kesetiaan,Kesabaran, ketenangan dan kerandahan hati mas Anang lah yang membuat anda mendapat tempat tersendiri di hati penggemarnya. So tetaplah seperti itu. Mas Anang bukan untuk the bitch KD. Wanita baik untuk laki2 baik sementara laki2 gak baik untuk wanita ……….
  27. ady indri on November 1, 2009 11:35 am
    keren baget……………
    god luck buat mas anang
  28. Ine maulana zimra on November 1, 2009 3:49 pm
    Ine tau mas cinta ma mbk KD. Tp,mas prnh brpkr gk alasan mpe bs mempertahankn prkawinan 13 th lamany. Pa yg mas rasakan saat mencintai mbk KD selama tu? Rasa takut khilangan ato rasa memiliki yg besar? Ks jwban ya mas. I wait. Buat Aurel n Azriel,moga mrka jd anak2 yg kuat n mandiri. I luv Ur song. Bravo bt mas Anang. Ttp semangat.
  29. ida on November 4, 2009 8:20 am
    itu lah wanita yang tidak pernah mensyukuri apa yang dia dapat,ku salut dengan keputusan anang,semoga anang mendapatkan yang lebih baik,cantik luar & dalam,dan menerima kedua buah hati anang,semoga anang terus maju.
    Semangat …………………… terus buat anang
  30. mario angel on November 7, 2009 8:19 am
    ah……..gue banget……………..istri jatuh cinta dengan yang lain………….
  31. qika on November 7, 2009 10:07 am
    sad story.. sbnernya cinta itu gak buta tapi memahami,,
    i like this song..
  32. ugho on November 9, 2009 4:58 pm
    gila……dalem dalem bgt ni lagu
  33. hendrasyaputra50 on November 11, 2009 8:27 am
    sepertinya kesetian seorang raja di hianati oleh seorang permaisuri.,.,.
  34. Missy Jo Suzanna on November 13, 2009 7:46 am
    Sumpah dweh ne lagu okay bgt! Semangat ya Maz!
    Maz Anang, aQ punya syair, maz mo g’ liat2.. kali’ maz seneng..
    Maz Anang, ada waktu email aQ ya Maz…
  35. detha on November 14, 2009 10:59 am
    kak anang jd nyari ibu baru bwt anak2x?????
  36. HR Kuncahyo Juanda Lorank on November 19, 2009 1:15 pm
    Buat Mas Anang :
    1. Jalani kehidupan dg sepenuh hati.,
    2. Ciptain lagu ” SEPENUH JIWA ” dg dlm membesarkan ke2 putra/i .
    3. Maju terus musik lndonesia
  37. christ on November 21, 2009 4:31 am
    ini lagu dalem bgt yac….. dr hati……
    jgn sampai kita coba2 untuk selingkuh
  38. grace stella on November 25, 2009 2:33 am
    q suka bgt lagu nehh
    pas bgt buat mantan aquh yg tlah menghianati aquh
  39. enik on November 26, 2009 9:29 am
    bUAT mR.Anang good luck
  40. rere on November 27, 2009 1:16 pm
    bukankah cinta itu yang datang dari kegelapan,
    dan meraba di setiap hati yang menerangi jalan buntunya.
    adakah kau disitu pujangga,,
    kembali lah, dan isi separuh jiwaku…
    i like this song,,,
    semangat mas anang,,
    heri-aceh… (FB0
  41. etty on November 27, 2009 2:48 pm
    buat anang…sabar aja dech..
    gue juga uda ngak minat ama KD..
    wanita sebegitu bisa di tinggalin aja..
    ngak usah d pikirin lagi ya..
    gudluck buat anang dan anak2..
  42. Fauzi on November 28, 2009 5:18 am
    Asallam Mualaikum
    buat mas Anang
    saya sangat sedih atas ujian yg menimpa mas anang karena saya juga dpt merakannya.
    sy sebagai pengagum mas anang, mudah2an di balik ujian ada rahasia Allah yg bisa mengangkat derajat paling tinggi hadapan Allah. Amin
    mas anang jangan sedih krn ada 2 orang anak & orang tua serta serta seluruh pengemar akan mendoakannya. teruslah berkair semoga Allah selalu melindunginya.
    mhn maaf bila ada kata menyinggung /menyakiti.
    sekian terima kasih ( pengemar mas anang dr Bali)
  43. Indih on November 30, 2009 5:29 pm
    aq suka banget sama anang
    dia kekasih gelapQ dulu
    maaf ya krisdayanti habis mas anang ganteng sich….
    eits di larang protes ^^
  44. YUYANG DUDUTZ on December 3, 2009 12:04 pm
  45. YUYANG DUDUTZ on December 3, 2009 12:06 pm
  46. ranii lupph andii joree on December 10, 2009 2:15 am
    lagu ini nginget’n gw ma seseorang yang seharus’y sekarang udah gw lupa’n…
    tapi ju”r lagu ini keren n top abis deh…
    terinspirasi darii hatii sendiirii kan?
  47. reno on December 17, 2009 12:51 pm
    mz anang lgux kren bgt q suka bgt ma lgu mz anang
  48. diana on December 19, 2009 2:57 pm
    wahhh anang memang top dehhhh
  49. diana on December 19, 2009 2:58 pm
    wah om anang memang topppp
  50. silvi on December 20, 2009 3:15 am
    duch k’anank lgu nha nyentuh bgt cIe amp’” tiap qu dgr lgu toe qu ngeluar’n air mta ….
  51. rytha on December 21, 2009 10:08 am
    huhu sedihh umphh lagu ini gue bangettzzzz
    cinta itu bulshitt
  52. EKOS on December 22, 2009 3:50 pm
    Semangat Kang anang….Lalui ujian ini dgn sabar dan tawakal…
  53. LINA on December 23, 2009 3:15 am
    Hallow . . . kak Anang .. yang sabar ya . . pzt cpt dpat penggantinya hehehehehehe . . . .
  54. kirana larasati on December 24, 2009 6:55 am
    tooop buuanget gue suka bgnt gua nfenz bgnt ama loe
  55. kirana larasati on December 24, 2009 6:58 am
    kaq aku ngefenz bngnt ama kakaq aq suka lagunya kakaq dehh
  56. kirana larasati on December 24, 2009 7:00 am
    hallow… kak Anang gimana kabarnya uda dpt penggantinya blm?heheheheheh…..
  57. Aldhi on December 26, 2009 2:21 pm
    …. Gila tu KD, Belajar, pasti ada hikmah dari semua. Top buat anang moga tambah top dan kuat. Cuma penasaran lirik tersembunyi di balik lagunya apa? Perkataan KD yang buat anang jadi sangat dan akhirnya ambil keputusan…. ada yang tau..?
  58. cuweee on December 28, 2009 7:43 am
    tenang aja mas Anang kita laki-laki, kalo di tinggal KD mah soal biasa. lelaki itu bisa cari yang lebih baik dari perempuan
    yang pernah kita dapatkan…
  59. aneh on January 3, 2010 8:20 pm
    Emang bener kata mas anang
  60. meriza try utami on January 9, 2010 12:08 pm
    buat mas anang yang tegar ya mas…
    riysa jg bisa ngerasain apa yang mas anang rasain
  61. kevin_ bandUnk on January 16, 2010 7:46 am
    gila mas anang sUaRa nYa manteeep bgt! mas klo boleh tau minta dong noMeR hp.a ,hhw….
  62. ain_aizat on January 16, 2010 8:07 am
    sedih sgt lagu ni….mengishkn cinte ptame aku….
  63. Billy on January 17, 2010 1:54 pm
    aduh dalem bgd liriknya
  64. tiara_monova on January 18, 2010 1:58 am
    lagu na enag buangetth?
    laguna sngat_sngat DALAM kaLe …
    btul khund ipin?
    Ipin: ” btol,,btol,,btol ^_^ @@
  65. cipluk on January 19, 2010 4:10 am
    saya suka lagu anang,separuh jiwaku pergi. benar2 menyentuh perasaan. hebat kak anang,bravo.
  66. chintha_cliquerz on January 31, 2010 9:13 am
    lagu in mengisahkan tentang hdupq
  67. khiiki on February 1, 2010 7:30 am
    dUcH MeMaNk CEdIh lAGu nEE mEnDaLaM BaNgET
    tApI DibALIk kESEDiHAn pAsTi aDA kEbAHaGiAAN (AmIeN)
    mAjU TeRUS YaH……….
    By_KhIkI DARY_pALEmBaNG is ThE BESt
  68. ieda on February 5, 2010 8:57 am
    geram aq dengar lagu ni..benci sangat2..bagi anang 2 mungkin makna lain…tapi bagi aku lagu ni macam ****..hate this song..hate this much i hate this song..
  69. ieda on February 5, 2010 9:10 am
    erm bila dipikir pikir kan..lagu nie best la jugak…walaupun bf aq ska lgu ni..n aq pn x tw cbb pe..sbar ye anang..take of your children carefully…
    life must happy
  70. Separuh Jiwaku Pergi – Anang « Titok_AP IT Learning on February 16, 2010 5:20 pm
  71. wanhasra on March 1, 2010 10:10 am
    buat mas anang,moga punya idea yang lebih bagus,selepas ini
  72. wanhasra on March 1, 2010 10:13 am
    apa yang terjadi akan membuat mas anang punya idea yang lebih bagus.
  73. wanhasra on March 1, 2010 10:15 am
    moga mas punya idea yang lebih bagus selepas kejadian ini.
  74. eira on March 1, 2010 4:37 pm
    aku mnat gler lgu niey cbab ini mngesahkan tntg dirinya….jiwang nyee lagu….the bezt 4 u..
  75. mel on March 4, 2010 6:19 am
    its a true song & it always happen to anybody…
  76. Eka putra tanjung sakti on March 5, 2010 8:46 am
    Aslm. Mas emang cinta itu susah untuk ditebak, cinta it kadang buat kita senang tetapi mlah sebaliknya buat kita sakit. Mas kalu ingin cari suasana baru mainlah ke kota kami wlau kbanyakan orang ngk mau mau main sebab kota kami kota terpencil, tapi bgus untuk cari ketenangan. Mas kalau ada waktu dtang y sekalian konser bleh jga di tm4 kami. Kota pagaralam sumsel. Eka putra tanjung sakti. Bles ke email aq
    “t.Macan@yahoo.Co.Id” waslm
  77. Eka putra tanjung sakti on March 5, 2010 8:49 am
    Mas anang q suka bnget dnger lagu mas. Kpan mau main ke kota kami sekalian jalan2, kota kami kota pagaralam tempatnya mash sangat sejuk n belum terkotori oleh apapun, msh alami gt, di tnggu kdatanganya. Eka putra tanjung sakti
  78. ricky rickmono on March 18, 2010 5:41 am
    Hasil karya cipta yang brillian dari seorang Anang sebagai ungkapan hati untuk berbagi……. Untuk laki-laki : hindari kejadian seperti dalam lagu ini,,,Cukup Anang sendiri yang mengalami….
  79. ricky rickmono on March 18, 2010 5:45 am
    Hasil karya cipta yang brillian dari seorang Anang sebagai ungkapan hati untuk berbagi……. Untuk laki-laki : hindari kejadian seperti dalam lagu ini,,,Cukup Anang serndiri yang mengalami….
  80. ricky rickmono on March 18, 2010 5:47 am
    brilliant brilliant brilliant
  81. LOX on March 20, 2010 7:02 am
    Ntar mlm mas Anang Sahrini konser diGorontalo. SMOGA SUKSES…AamiiienN…
  82. ichan on April 7, 2010 4:13 pm
    gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…….suka banget lagu ini…….bravo mas anang
  83. wahyu sudradjat nasution on April 8, 2010 4:34 am
    asslamu’alaikum mas anang ….
    ku wahyu di bogor….
    ku ngefans bnget nie sma mas….
    pengennya sih ku duet sma mas anang….

    tapi kyanya ntu musrahil sih…
    soalnya mas aang itu udah mapan n…keren …terkenal lagii…
    tapi ga pa” buat mas anang terus maju, semoga mas anang menjadi orang yang tak pernah lupa beribadah dan tidak lupa sam fans”nya…
    key mas anng…
  84. E'maL on April 9, 2010 3:13 pm
    lagu yg ckp sedih…sesuai ddengari oleh gf yg curang pd laki2…lagu ini sesuai utk gf saya yg curang keats saya…
  85. Siska on April 19, 2010 11:45 am
    Terus berkarya ya Mas Anang.
    Selama ini sang “Diva” bisa setenar ini karena karya2 Mas Anang.
    Mari kita lihat KD tanpa Mas Anang apa jadinya?
  86. indra aditya on May 20, 2010 12:19 pm
    i like this a song and very sad this song
  87. Imas on July 5, 2010 3:53 pm
    Smg spruh jiwa yg msh ada menemukn ketulusan,ttp smangt mas anang!!! (Imas)

Read more:

Electronic Journal Weekly Mission (JEMMi) 2010

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Electronic Journal Weekly Mission (JEMMi) in July 2001, Vol.4 No.29 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------

o [Editorial]
o [Testimony Mission]: Praise and Worship for People in Maldewa
o [Profiles / Source Mission]: Unreached Peoples Calendar for 2002,
Fasting and Prayer for Colombia
o [Prayer for World Missions]: China, Trinidad, Tanzania, USA
o [Prayer For Indonesia]: Using Newspapers as a Tool of Prayer
o [Prayer for the Tribe]: Ethnic Bentong (South Sulawesi)
o [your letter]: No Name Lo
o [URLs This Edition]
************************************************** ********************* You are allowed to quote / copy / reproduce all / some of the material e-JEMMi (for church news / material other services) with the following requirements: must be include the original source of each ingredient and e-JEMMi (as translators / publishers of these materials Indonesian MLP). Thanks. ************************************************** *********************
** Editorial **

Salam Sejahtera.

People James Bible known as the early church leaders who
attach great importance to the life of prayer. In one story tradition
James said that the leather knee hard as camel skin,
because it is too often used to kneel and pray. It
why the following verse which is very famous for this comes from James:

"The prayer of a righteous man, when with a certain prayer,
very great power. "(James 5:16 b)

How is your prayer life? Does your prayer life provide
effect on your self, and also on the environment and people
we pray? Some of the testimony and the events that took place
China, Trinidad and Tanzania reminds us that many things
can take place through the prayers raised by the people of God.
Testimony also shows that there is nothing
it is impossible for God, he is able to soften the hard hearts of any order
can receive and feel the love and His Word.

Many people / places / services mission / organization / church / state

need prayer support. Have you taken the time to
pray for them? Well ... in this edition will give an e-JEMMi
guide on how you can pray for the state / tribe / organization
spread throughout the world.

Congratulations to pray.

Editorial Staff
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------- TESTIMONY ** MISSION **

================================================== =====

Boris and Natasha Romanov (not her real name) is a missionary
engaged in "underground" for the islanders Maldewa
located near Sri Lanka and India and its population is almost 100%
non-Christian religions. Natasha is a native of
Maldewa from noble families. He became a follower of Christ blessing
testimony from a missionary in South Africa, which
smuggle a Bible for him. He met Boris, her husband,
when Boris who was cycling past the house of Natasha. Their
passed, then they met and married in Spain,
Boris homeland. At the time the couple returned to Boris and Natasha
Maldewa, they are forced to remarry in accordance with their beliefs
non-Christian family adopted Natasha.

This remark encourages the couple's longing for
preach the Gospel in Maldewa. Some time later they
Maldewa lead fourteen people to Christ, and disciple
them in secret. However, they found a secret alliance.
Boris and Natasha Couple forced to fly back to Spain.
Maldewa residents who have believed Jesus was arrested, and their
have languished for months in prison for torture,
beaten and forced to abandon their confidence in our
Christ. In Spain, Boris and Natasha were very concerned
Maldewa people who experience such abuse. They both knew
that they would be arrested if set foot in the country Maldewa
again. Boris and Natasha entered into several alliances with
people believe that there is in India to provide prayer support
for those who believe in Malwadewa. Natasha now has
lost his citizenship Malwadewa and he will never
can return to his country. The couple now live in

Natasha began producing radio programs for people
believe in Maldewa where the worship music and teaching
Christianity has been included in the radio program. Natasha
have talents in music and he has made some
composition of songs and recorded a few songs of worship for residents
Maldewa original. Recently, a Christian who has expertise in
field recording of Boris and Natasha have helped to make
a digital recording studio at their residence in Spain. Studio

it helps them in making radio programs and music
worship for a small group of believers in Maldewa. Their
also translated the Bible into the language Maldewa.

Source: Global Worship Report Vol. 2, # 15 July, 2001
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ** PROFILE / MISSION RESOURCES **
Caleb Project is an organization that challenged the congregation's mission
Christians to find the section where they can engage
active in preaching the gospel to millions of people who absolutely
have never heard the Gospel. To support this mission,
Caleb Project has published a "Calendar for Unreached Peoples
2002 "and each month shows a Bible verse, description
from a group of people / tribes not yet reached the Gospel and
how to pray for them.
? FOR COLOMBIA AND Fasting Prayer ==> Http://
Open Doors encourages Christians worldwide to co-
same hearts united on July 28 in a Day of Prayer and Fasting
International to Colombia (the International Day of Prayer and Fasting
for Colombia). Colombia is one country that has
and the highest violent crime rates in the world. Representatives from
Open Doors says that now is the time-time
critical for the churches in Colombia. Open Doors has received many
reports from the pastors and church leaders in Colombia are now
is facing threats and pressure. In the last three years
this, 52 pastors have been killed and about 300 churches were closed. Prayer
is the greatest gift that can be given by people believing
Colombia. You can visit the Web Site to Open Doors
get a prayer guide and other materials for free.

[[Cat. Red.: This information was at once reminded us to continue
pray for Indonesia using fasting 40 DAYS OF PRAYER
THE NATION, STATE, and His Church that simultaneously
Date applied throughout Indonesia. July 8 to August 16, 2001.]]
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ** ** PRAYER FOR WORLD MISSION
? C H I N A
When a worker who teaches at a university in China
pray that he will see 300 students repent and accept
Jesus before the lecture ended, her friends
shook his head and laughed at his request is not signed
was reasonable. But God heard his prayer and respect. At the end of the
lectures, more than 300 students have been converted and
accepted Christ.
Source: Advance, July 17, 2001
* Give glory to God who has instilled the load on a worker at
China is through sincerity pray.
* Pray that new converts students are also
burden to pray for other students who have not
know Christ.
? T R I N I D A D ==> Http://
Believers are scattered around the world have been praying and asking
God to prepare the hearts of the people of Trinidad are not yet
believe in Christ, before a team of pioneer church
consists of 31 volunteers came to Trinidad. The volunteers were
working in two locations and working with local church leaders
Trinidad. There are 60 residents who gave his life to Christ
and many other residents who renewed their commitment.
Source: Advance, July 17, 2001
* Pray that God's Spirit movement occurred in Trinidad and many people
Trinidad can be won for Christ.
* Pray and ask God to help the team in
mature and effectively disciple the people of Trinidad
already believe in Christ.
? T A N Z A N I A
According to a report from the Secretary of Tanzania's Adventist Church, more
than 10,000 people are baptized in Tanzania on June 23, 2001.
This is the biggest event that ever happened to the baptism in the
throughout the history of East Africa. More than 40 pastors baptize 2800
people in Lake Victoria, and more than 7,000 people also were baptized in
South Nyanza and its surrounding areas at the same time.
People who baptized it has completed all course
They follow the Bible. There are about 1000 people were baptized again
in Lake Victoria on June 30, 2001. Baptism is a
part of the evangelistic campaign conducted in Mwanza, Tanzania
for three weeks.
Source: FridayFax, Issue 28, July 20, 2001
* Raise gratitude for the thousands of people in Tanzania would hand over
his life to Christ and they received baptism.
* Pray for churches that help the maturing process of faith
so they can be witnesses of Christ in
? U S A
Evangelical Baptist Mission request prayer support of believers
for MAP (Missionary Apprenticeship Programs - Internship Program
Missionaries). MAP lasted for six weeks in which participants
"Into the shadows" for a missionary (follow any
service that the missionaries), so they
hiudp gain experience in the real world of service.
Source: Misssion Network News, July 2001
* Pray that God may move the hearts of the participants and the MAP
so they can learn as much as possible from other missionaries.
* Pray also that the experience can be equipped for ministry
their future.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------- PRAYER FOR INDONESIA ** **

-------------------------------------------------- -----
Responding to the situation and conditions in Indonesia are still shaken
by economic and political storms, prayer support from children
God is the Lord's hand is always needed to lead
development of the state and the country of Indonesia.

But you are confused how to get the ingredients to pray for
Indonesia? There are easy ways you can do, namely through
newspapers / newspaper. Newspapers / newspaper that you read every day
can you use to be one source of prayer. From
news you read, choose (with a sensitivity to
Holy Spirit) which according to some news you / He's important to

For example, here is some news editor
taken from one of the newspapers which published date. 23 to 24 July 2001:

= The victims bombing that occurred in the Catholic Church of Santa Ana =
and HKBP Jatiwaringin in Jakarta.
* Pray that God will heal physical wounds and bandaged
liver suffered by the church in both the church.
* Apparently there are no victims who were killed in the incident.
* Pray also that no matter how severe injury, they
still have a forgiving heart.

= The election of Megawati Sukarnoputri as President of the 5th .=
* Pray that the new president and the entire staff can
become God's instrument to lead the Indonesian nation and create
atmosphere of a fair, safe and prosperous.
* Apparently, the election process is running quickly
and secure, without going kerusuhan-kerusuhan/pertumpahan blood.
* Pray for the election of the Vice President that will be done soon
God's hand to intervene in this whole election process.

= And so on ... :-) ... Congratulations to pray and give thanks!
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------- PRAYER FOR RATE ** **
? RATE Bentong (South Sulawesi)

Population: 25,000
Language: Bentong
Church members: 100 (0.4%)
Bible: No
Jesus film: None
Radio broadcast services: No
(July 1998)

Bentong tribes inhabiting the hills Bulo-Bulo, District
Tanete Riaja, Barru, South Sulawesi. According to people
Bentong usual bushwalking bush, they are
Bone descendant of King's son who married the daughter of the King of Ternate.
Another source says that they are descendants of people
Bugis and Makassar. It can be seen from the customs and
their language is influenced by cultural elements and Bugis
Makassar. Tribe whose life is still moving
categorized as a society "alienated."
Bentong Most people live as farmers and fishermen.
The main results of copra, rice and forest products. Coconut trees grow well
on the entire coast of Barru.
Bentong people mostly Muslim. However, the original trust
they are the beliefs and worship of ancestors and spirits
sacred objects. They believe that the cult
(Arajang) will bring safety and must be done to
avoid the curse. Another cult committed against pantansa,
which houses a small yellow as a symbol of the gods.
Bentong tribe needed help in managing the results
perkebunannnya that gives the results more meaningful. In
Besides, society Bentong, generally not familiar with the school,
both for parents and for their children. Their
education needs. For health, people assume Bentong
cleanliness as something that hamper their daily activities
day, consequently they are attacked by many diseases of malaria,
dysentery, skin eyes, etc..

Source: CD-ROM Isaiah
1. Let's pray that there are servants of God who would have been sent to the
Bentong middle tribe and preach the gospel to them.

2. Pray that through the prayers of the tribe who raised this Bentong,
can drain the power of God to break the power of darkness
which is still revered by tribal Bentong.

3. Pray also for fulfilling the needs of experts in the field
education, health, and management of plantation outcomes.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------- YOUR LETTER ** **

From: Eric Gasper
> Greetings in the love of Christ,
> Thank you for sending JEMMI. I wanted to ask about the story
> "Eko & Eni" 04-27 PD # 2001. Why you should write "No name
> The real "Is not evangelism work that job
> Honor. So in my opinion should not name TSB workers
> Need to be kept secret. Was he a pastor or evangelist or
> Ordinary people (volunteers). By stating "Not a real"
> Make an impression to be less weighty TSB story.
> Suggestion:
> * It would be better to write truthfulness name actors missionary dr
> Gospel TSB, so it is an authentic news who
> * It would be better than writing a direct appeal
> Write a success story seem less true.
> So my suggestion and criticism.
> Hopefully this is accepted as a constructive criticism.
> God bless
> Best Regards,
> H. E. J. Gasper

Thanks for the advice given. To avoid false
understand, we want to provide main reasons why we do not write
the original name of "Eko & Eni" or also the location of their service. The reason
is because the factor "sensitivity / context" and "security". Our
do not want to, because the news in an e-JEMMi, service (or even
their lives) to be threatened, especially from the parties
not like the service / preaching of the Gospel. For news
our mission services (Staff e-JEMMi/MISI) wanted to be as wise and
as carefully as possible - we do not want to risk a servant of God
or his ministry.

Another reason, is for the continuity of service to God. Although
"Missionary" is not there, we still must pray for the work
God, anyone that God used there. Suppose we do not know
nama-nama/tempat specifically, God knows, and our prayers will
remain effective and appropriate!
With this explanation, we hope to "correct the impression of less" TSB. not
bother you again - Thank you for constructive criticism.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ** ** This Edition URLs
* FridayFax * Global Worship Report * Mission Network News

DISCLAIMER _____________________________ _____________________________ The materials in e-JEMMi excerpted with permission from the various parties. Copyright (c) 2001 by e-JEMMi/e-MISI --- published: YLSA and I-KAN ______________________________________________________________________ Questions, comments, suggestions and contributions of materials you can send: Chief Editors --- Natalia S. Endah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or e-MISSION Staff and Editorial Staff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Staff Editorial: Rudy Kurniadi, Natalia Endah S., Tabita Utami Rini, et al. ______________________________________________________________________ Website e-MISI/e-JEMMi (Archives / Links / etc): To subscribe, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]